===== High Scores ===== There are a few different methods for generating & displaying a high scores tables - a) Show Default Highscores as Notifications when a player logs in. - b) High scores shown on the Esc -> Info & scores menu option - c) Scripted high scores tables - d) Web high Scores tables For a) and b) your primary control is in raw settings -> **Economy** -> **High Scores Mode**. This determines which sets of high scores the server automatically tracks (and which are displayed on the Info & scores screen): 0: Wealth, Health, Kudos, Crowfight WL%, Net Worth, Oldest Ever, Current Oldest \\ 1: Most Gold (Item), Oldest ever, current oldest, kudos \\ 2: Wealth, Kudos, Crowfight WL%, Current Oldest, Networth \\ 3: Wealth, Oldest Ever, Current Oldest, Kudos, Networth \\ 4: Same as 2 \\ 5: Same as 2 \\ 6: Same as 2 \\ 7: Same as 2 \\ 8: Same as 2 \\ 9: Combined skill levels, Wealth, Networth \\ \\ If you set raw settings -> **Graphics** -> **Initial Notifications Mode** to **1** then the current top scores are shown to the player every time they login. Which scores are shown depends on the same **High Scores Mode** setting: 0: Current Oldest -> Oldest Ever -> Most Kudos \\ 1: Most Gold -> Current Oldest -> Oldest Ever -> Most Kudos \\ 2: Current Oldest -> Oldest Ever -> Most Kudos \\ 3: Networth -> Oldest Ever -> Most Kudos -> Most Wealth \\ 4: Wealth -> Kudos \\ 5: Wealth -> Kudos -> Networth \\ 6: Wealth \\ 7: Kudos \\ 8: Wealth -> Current Oldest -> Networth \\ 9: Combined skill score \\ ==== Scripted high scores tables ==== TBD ==== Web high scores tables ==== TBD