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Text Functions
Special text codes are used to get the names of things associated with the current script context, these are:
%PLAYER% : Name of the player
%BUILDINGOWNER% : Name of the owner of the building in context (where applicable)
%KILLER% : Name of the player who killed the player (Applicable in “PlayerKilled” and “RobocrowKilled” events)
%TARGET% : Name of the target of an event (e.g. “BarterRequest”, “MenuOption” and 'Battle'events. Also sometimes valid in “UseItem” if the targeting system is active).
Other system functions allow you to get the names and text representations of different aspects of your world, and convert from a text name to an ID number and vice versa:
Format | sysGetPlayerName( [PlayerID] ) |
Description | Returns the name of the specified player |
Parameters | Player ID |
Returns | Player Name |
Event( "UseItem", "Potion" ) { $targetName = sysGetPlayerName( $gTargetID ) *msg %PLAYER% You used the potion while targeting $targetName }
Example : $var = sysGetItemName ($itemNum))
Example : $var = sysGetSkillName($skillNum))
Format | sysGetItemNum( [Item Name] ) |
Description | Gets an item number from a name |
Parameters | Item Name |
Returns | Item number |
Event( "UseItem", "Potion" ) { $itemNum = sysGetItemNum( "Potion" ) *msg %PLAYER% The item number is $itemNum }
Format | sysGetPriceText ( [Price] ) |
Description | Returns a text string displaying the price value expressed in a short format - e.g 2s 3d |
Parameters | Price value (in denari) |
Returns | Price text |
Event( "UseItem", "Potion" ) { $price = 20 if ( $gPlayerCash < $price ) { $priceText = sysGetPriceText( $price ) *alert %PLAYER% You need at least $priceText to use the potion CancelTransaction() } else { *grantcash %PLAYER% -$price } }
Format | sysGetDateText( [Unix Time] ) |
Description | Returns a text string displaying the date and time |
Parameters | Unix time (Number of seconds since 1 Jan 1970) |
Returns | Text of the date and time (e.g. “31st December 2014 18:00” ) |
Event( "UseItem", "Potion" ) { $nextUsePotionTime = $gServerTimeVar[0] $currTime = sysGetRealTime( "UnixTime" ) if ( $currTime < $nextUsePotionTime ) { $useDateText = sysGetDateText( $nextUsePotionTime ) *msg %PLAYER% You cannot use the potion until $useDateText CancelTransaction() } else { // Set server variable to store the next time the potion can be used - one hour from now $kOneHourInSeconds = 60 * 60 $gServerTimeVar[0] = $currTime + $kOneHourInSeconds } }
Format | sysGetTimeText ( [Num_seconds] ) |
Description | Returns text form of the time provided in seconds using the most appropriate resolution ; i.e. if you pass 110 seconds, the text will be “1 minute and 50 seconds”.. if you pass 28920 it'll be “8 hours and 2 minutes” |
Parameters | Number of seconds |
Returns | Text representation of given time period |
Event( "&command", "TimeSinceLast" ) { $currTime = sysRealTime( "UnixTime" ) $lastTime = $gPlayerKey["TimeSinceLast"] if ( $lastTime == 0 ) { *msg %PLAYER% This is the first time you've used this command } else { $timeSince = $currTime - $lastTime $timeSinceText = sysGetTimeText( $timeSince ) *msg %PLAYER% It has been $timeSinceText since you last used this command } $gPlayerKey["TimeSinceLast"] = $currTime }
Format | sysGetRealTimeTextForDays ( [Number of game days] ) |
Description | Returns a text description of the time that will pass for the specified number of game days |
Parameters | Number of game days |
Returns | Time text |
Event( "UseItem", "Magic Potion" ) { $daysSinceLastUsed = $gGameDay - $gPlayerKey[LastUsedPotionDay] if ( $daysSinceLastUsed < 10 ) { $daysUntilCanUse = 10 - $daysSinceLastUsed $timeText = sysGetRealTimeTextForDays( $daysUntilCanUse ) *say You must wait $timeText until you can use the Magic Potion again } else { *effect %PLAYER% 10 $gPlayerKey[LastUsedPotionDay] = $gGameDay } }