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Script Language Syntax

The scripting language supports a limited range of the basic syntactical components that make up most similar-level programming languages

General Rules

  • Each line of script needs to be put on a new line
  • All script code is case-insensitive. (e.g. the variable 'a' is the same as the variable 'A' )
  • All variables are preceeded with $

Conditional Statements

if, else and else if are supported, for example… <codedoc>

if ( $itemNum = 112 )	
    *grantskill %PLAYER% Blacksmith
else if ( $itemNum = 113 )
    *grantskill %PLAYER% Scientist
    *msg %PLAYER% You didnt learn anything new today


Supported conditions inside an if or else if are:

  • = (or == )
  • <
  • >
  • != (or <> )
  • ( < = )
  • >=


Code comments are simple C-stylee, e.g <codedoc>

  // Check the item number
  if ( $itemNum = 112 )	

*say Nothing (this line is commented out) } </codedoc> ===== Maths operators ===== Basic maths operators are supported in simple form. Compound operations are not yet supported so each line needs to be kept basic, e.g. : <codedoc> $var = $var + 1 $newvar = $var * 100 </codedoc> Currently only the 4 basic operators ( '+', '-', '/', '*' ) are supported.

scripting/syntax.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/28 17:50 by

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